
The Technology of Bliss – Cognitive Enhancers — 3 Comments

  1. Hi Johnathan,
    I am excited to read the information you have shared on cognitive pills. I know this will be something I look into, also for my Mother.
    Thank you for bringing this topic into focus,has been needed in forefront for a long time. Hopefully one of these will help my Mom.

  2. Hi Jonathan, thank you for this info. I’ve always felt averse to pharmaceutical enhancement. For if I can’t be happy — or be the person I want to be — without chemical enhancement, what does that say about me? However, I already do this to some extent with caffeine and alcohol. Your article has inspired me to try some experiments. 🙂


    P.S. I REALLY enjoyed your relationship workshop with Meriana D. this summer. I’d love to do that again when I have a partner who’s willing to go with me!

  3. Hi Jonathan – I wonder if you have heard of EHT? Has just been released to Nerium International. It is patented and Nerium has exclusive rights for distribution, Came out of 20 years of research by Dr, Jeffry Stock, from Princeton University. As it helps repair the neuronal networks in the brain, it improves focus, energy, immune system. Is a molecule they extract from coffee plus other “brain food” ingredients.
    I would be happy to send you a video to give more info. People are having amazing results.

    Let me know if you would like to learn more,
    Best wishes,
    Christine Gordon