How to Quickly Find Peace Using “The Sedona Method”
Perhaps the most important thing a human being can learn is how to quickly let go of negative thought patterns and emotions and quickly return to the peace and love that’s hidden behind our turbulent minds. Once you can do this well, everything in your life changes. In my exploration of how doing this effectively, I’ve tried a lot of things. One of my absolute favorite ways to quickly return to a place of peace (after being upset) is to use something called “The Sedona Method.” What follows is a mini-course on the Sedona Method. If you try this out and like it, I recommend that you get the book “The Sedona Method,” so you can get a better understanding of this truly effective and simple technique.
How to Let Go of Negative Emotions Quickly and Effectively:
1- Notice when you are having negative emotions and/or thoughts that have been going on for or making you feel stuck. Normally, we resist (through distraction, denial and/or blame) our negative emotions. Instead, WELCOME whatever your current experience is. Take time to welcome it fully and completely, like you would an old friend. Become curious as to where and how such thoughts or feelings actually feel in your body.
2- If you notice you’re still resisting your experience, welcome the Resistance—the way you would a small child—with open arms and a smile. Allow your experience to be there–exactly as it is.
3-Once you’ve fully welcomed your experience (and let go of resisting it in any way), ask yourself “Has this negative emotion arisen from my wanting CONTROL, APPROVAL, or SAFETY/SECURITY or my wanting to feel more SEPARATE (being special, being right or better than). Take note of which desire feels the strongest in.
4- Once you’re clear on what desire (control, approval, safety/security or separation) you have most wanted in this situation, ask yourself, “COULD I LET GO OF WANTING THAT (control, approval, safety/security or separation) JUST FOR RIGHT NOW?” Realize it is your feeling of “wanting” or lack that creates your suffering, and resolve to let that feeling of lack go.
5-Take a deep breath and allow yourself to let go of craving or needing whatever you felt you were needing—just for now.
6- Then ask yourself “Could I let it go some more? How about even more?” Feel where you felt the negative emotions (such as in your chest or stomach area) and imagine opening up a window there and letting the energy/feelings pass through you—dispersing into the air. With each breath you exhale, allow the feelings to disperse even more. Feel the spaciousness inside of you.
7-Finally, Welcome an opposite energy/feeling your body. For example, if you were feeling anger, welcome a feeling of approval or calm. If you were feeling insecure, welcome a feeling of self-love with each inhalation you take. IF you have time, it’s a good idea to end your session by welcoming a feeling of gratitude– or to tune into the peace and stillness that is always hidden behind our turbulent feelings and thoughts.